Saturday, November 7, 2009


One of my thesis committee members just sent an email to the entire committee, plus my program director and stupid program office assistant who lacks the competence to even schedule a conference room, and this is an excerpt of what the said committee member had to say:
"I have finished reading the thesis and have asked [Lady
Audacity] to come in for a chat . . . My biggest concern is that she is
misinterpreting the results . . . Much will be resolved when she thinks
"association" rather than correlation. Hopefully we'll get a chance to
talk about this prior to her defense."

Well, why didn't you call CNN and ask them to scroll, "Graduate student doesn't have a clue!" along the bottom of the television screen? I am so frustrated! I have been over the results a thousand times with my statistician (also a committee member) and, as I previously posted, my advisor read my thesis several times . . . and neither of them had anything like this to say! The way I see it, the said committee member is calling their ability to interpret data into question just as much as mine.

I'll be damned if I let all of my hard work come into question four days before I defend. In addition to time, brain power, and heart I put into this thing, I have also invested so many pieces of me into this project: I gave up roller derby, I went from a full-time salary to part-time pay check, I allowed myself to pack on about fifteen "thesis pounds," I whittled down my social life, and I deferred admission to my Ph.D. program in Kentucky (which I will start in January, come hell or high water), all to make my graduate thesis something I am proud of and something that will benefit the unerstanding and practice of environmental education.

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